Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday Throwdown #2

It's time for Tuesday Throw-Down! I give you a prompt and we all  free-write about it for 250 to 500 words. If you want, you can leave your free-write in the comments and on Thursday I will post the best ones of the lot. There might even be prizes involved. Sounds fun, right? When you're finished, please leave your word count at the bottom of the post in parenthesis. Thanks!

Well, are you?

The prompt for September 8, 2015 is:

What are you most afraid of? Have you ever faced your fear head on? Was it liberating or terrifying? Write about facing your fear head on.

Spiders at Petco.

I thought I could do it. I mean, I really thought I could do it. I thought I could calmly - professionally - reach my hand into the cage and pluck out a tarantula with a net. It wasn't normally my job, but I was working the reptile section that day, and wouldn't you know - someone came in wanting to buy a spider. It was the only animal in the entire store I had a problem with. I told them as much in my interview. I would, under no circumstances  be handling a spider. But sometimes you have to do that which must be done. I had  been working at the Petco for a few months now though, and I thought I had grown brave. The spiders were harmless, weren't they? I hadn't seen them attack any of my co-workers and suck out their juices leaving them dry, exsanguinated corpses. It would be fine. I would get the spider out of the cage and sell it to the customer like the grown up I was supposed to be. This plan was great in theory. In practice, not so much. Maybe if the spider had been still? He was not still though - he lunged at me when I stuck the net into the cage. Lunged. At. Me. I screamed and jumped back. My heart was pounding and my breathing was quick and shallow. I wanted to cry, but you can't just cry in front of a customer - it's bad for business. Instead, I made an excuse and went off to find someone, anyone who could capture the horrible little beast. Then, I went to the break room and cried.

(281 words)

Now it's your turn! Respond to the prompt in the comments. The best piece will be featured on Thursday. Good luck! 

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